An Engaging Way To Experience Science

Join us for a new scientific expedition each session.

Next Expedition – Experience data-based decision-making to save the bees.

Starts on April 14th
Ages 9-14. No prior experience is needed.

What’s coming up:

next session starts on April 14th-17th, 9am-12am CET, online

Learn how technology can help tackle real-world challenges.
In this session, you will: 

  • Generate ideas to solve the challenge and share your thoughts with other students.
  • Use data to reduce uncertainty and make informed decisions.
  • Test your assumptions to refine and move closer to impactful solutions.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to actively support meaningful causes using technology.
  • How to uncover new insights and gain knowledge through data science.
  • How to harness technology to achieve your own goals and solve problems.

What We Won’t Do

  • We won’t tell you what to think or decide the questions you should ask.
  • We won’t force you to memorize definitions or use technology without a clear purpose.
  • Instead, you’ll discover the answers and learn by doing.

Limited capacity.
Join the expedition.

Designed to help your child be an effective thinker

We are dedicated to nurturing the potential of every child to think deeply and encouraging them to be fearless when faced with new technology on their way to achieving their goals.


Problem-Solving Strategies

Through interdisciplinary challenges, children tackle real-world problems by breaking down complex tasks into manageable parts, understanding the interactions between systems, and using technology to explore and create innovative solutions.


Critical Thinking

Your child will cultivate critical thinking and decision-making skills by assessing information, challenging assumptions, validating ideas with data, and collaborating with peers to gain diverse perspectives.


Confidence Building

Thinkable Space enhances children’s self-confidence by offering practical experience with STEM concepts, reinforcing their belief in their abilities through successful experiences, and equipping them with resources to view failure as a learning opportunity while bravely facing challenges.


Self-Directed Learning

We nurture independent, lifelong learners who adapt to new situations, foster curiosity through exploration, and develop the mindset for on-demand learning to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Our Story

Who we are?

We are the creators behind interdisciplinary courses that were once exclusively available as part of a research project at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) to around 400 children at RockStartIT. Through THINKABLE.SPACE, we now offer these unique courses guided by dedicated instructors to everyone. Our mission is to give every child the chance to experience the thrill of thinking like a scientist.

Our courses are designed to ignite curiosity and foster critical thinking, all while being supported by passionate, dedicated instructors. Meet Lucia and Kai, our expert guides who bring real-world insight and infectious enthusiasm to every lesson.

next session
on April 14th-17th, 9am-12am CET, online

Ages 9-14. No prior experience is needed. Access to computer with internet connection required. Course language is german (level C1).

Limited capacity.
Join the expedition.

What did others say about us?

I really enjoyed it! I always found computer science very challenging, but now I see how it connects with other natural sciences and is incredibly diverse. I can now much more easily envision myself pursuing something in the field of computer science after school.

Student, girl, 11 Grade

Just picked up my son on the fourth and unfortunately final day of your course: ‘Today was seriously the coolest!’ – Thanks & Congratulations!


The best course of all in STEM!!

Student, boy, 7 Grade

This is exactly how I imagine teaching material should look like – I’m able to use it in my lesson without having a lot of overhead with preparation, it is self-explaining, and students are having fun.


Register for the Next session
on April 14th-17th, 9am-12am CET, online

LIMITED CAPACITY (12 students max)

The next course starts on 14th April 2025 until 17th April 2025, 4 unique sessions – from 9am to 12am each day. Live coaching by expert teachers. Each day we will deal with an interdisciplinary challenge, going deep and building essential skills to eliminate any shyness toward using technology in the future.

Your child will experience scientific thinking, web development, data science and artificial intelligence in the context of interdisciplinary challenge to save the bees.

Expedition to save the bees

14th April – 17th April 2025
79 Euro / 129 Euro
Ages 9-14. No prior experience is needed. Access to computer with internet connection required. Course language is german (level C1).

You will learn:

  • How you can actively support a good cause with web development .
  • How to gain new information and insights with data science .
  • How you can use artificial intelligence for your own purposes.

Join us on this mission and equip yourself with skills and tools that you can use on any of your next expeditions into the unknown and for any purpose.

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Der Kurs wird in deutscher Sprache (ca. C1-Niveau) durchgeführt. Kinder benötigen einen Rechner mit Internetzugang.

Mit der Anmeldung stimme ich den AGBs und Datenschutzbestimmungen von Thinkable zu. Zudem möchte ich die Mailingliste abonnieren, um über weitere Kurse informiert zu werden.

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